Friday, April 10, 2009

April 9- Ode to Odor

Sometimes, stink happens. Man stink, woman stink... you name it. It becomes a necessity to have a spare deodorant on hand in case of emergencies.

I had a stinky moment. In creative arts, and I can start to smell a strange odor coming from my armpits. I realized that I had not put anything on in the groggy hours of my awakening. Oh, Horror! So, I abandoned all social rules, and put on deodorant during class. Yes, I had people in front and behind me. Yes, Pete was yelling "What are you doing? PUTTING ON DEODORANT!?" I imagine that in a class of 400, about 20 people might have gotten a peek at my underarms. But it was nice to smell a (strong) hint of Spanish Rose wafting from my pits while learning about Stephen Foster.


Anonymous said...

That's probably one of the best - and most brave - new things ever! You rock!